Shabby background

Monday, April 13, 2009


I often think that if I could only see Jesus, if I could only watch Him perform a miracle, if I could only touch His holes and observe His perfection then I would follow Him whole-heartedly and never stray. I often think I could survive fully on Him if I could do all these things and never need another explanation or experience another 'if only' moment- I would have full faith. But interestingly enough, that wouldn't be the case. "Then Jesus began to denounce the cities where most of His mighty works had been done, because they did not repent" Matthew 11:20. Idiots. It's amazing to me that they could see Jesus restore a sick girl's life, make 2 blind men see, cast out demons, clean lepers, rebuke the winds and the sea and who knows what else and yet they still did not repent. And as amazing as it is, I'm forced to sit back and view my own life and shudder at the many times that I've experienced God and still react in much the same way as those lost souls. I've seen God stop a car so that it didn't run me over in Africa, I've had an attempted robbery that I walked away unharmed, I've watched the power of prayer daily and marveled that God would reach down and care about such small matters. Even in all His miracles that He's performed right in front of my eyes, I still can't gather myself to follow perfectly in His footsteps.

We need to take very seriously all the times we've experienced God. We're accountable to those moments. I think we forget in just how many ways God is great because evil tries to wipe it from our memory. If deception is one Evil's greatest tools, then I think one of the main objectives is simply for us to forget the goodness of God. I once had a friend tell me that every night before she goes to bed she writes down 5 ways God was good that day and 5 good things about her life. It's not such a bad idea if that's what it takes to make us remember the goodness of God, remember the great deeds He performs in our lives every day.

1 comment:

Alan Moore said...

I made Erica tell me all the good things that happened in our lives that day and all the things that God had done. Point being, as I looked back it took be a while to think of even one thing, then as I realized what God does for me, I couldn't stop thinking about all the things he did. God provides in so many ways, yet, I think those people in the bible are just like I was at first...Blind. We choose to close our eyes and do things by ourself.

I enjoyed this one.

On and FIRST! (it's a blog thing if you didn't know)